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Saturday, January 28, 2012


Hola! How's everyone? :) It's been a while yea.. I'm completely forgot that I have this blog, like seriously. Twitter really took all my attention away from this sweet little blog. Or maybe it's simpler and easier for me to say whatever I wanna say, anytime, anywhere. But lately, my updates there are also reducing day by day. I'm not updating as intense as before and well, I am getting busier day by day, or simply, I got bored.

Anywayyyyy.... I'll give you guys a lil surprise(s) later on, so stay tuned sugarpies! See ya guys in a bit.


“The memory has as many moods as the temper, and shifts its scenery like a diorama.” ---George Eliot, Middlemarch : a study of provincial life.

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