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Friday, July 29, 2011

Over the Edge

Hola! How's life recently? I hope you all had a very great time, unlike mine. Life’s currently flat and I’m stuck in boredom. Thanked God it’s Friday now-I thought yesterday was Friday, you know! How silly!-I always love weekend, since my dearie and all my friends are working now, so they’ll be free during weekends. And that’s the only time, I can really enjoy my day. And here’s the good news, for all movie junkies or let’s say potter freak, today’s a historical day for Hollywood’s film industry in Indonesia! You should remember this day. After banned-Hollywood-movies policy in Indonesia, finally today, you can watch a good movie in Indonesia. Yeah, and you as a potter freak should be proud! It's simply because they are finally screening “Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows” movie as a warm welcome to Hollywood movies! I doubt if it's not because of "Harry Potter" they'll still postpone showing us a good movie. Anyway, how are you, Kung-fu Panda, Pirates of Caribbean, Fast Five, etc etc? Welcome back dudes! After this Harry Potter movie, they've scheduled for these dudes and friends to be screening soon! Geez!! I’ve been waiting for this like foreverrrrrrr!-yea, with lots of "rrrrr"!-

So, the question that you should ask to me is, am I going to watch it today, on prime time? Sadly, no. My dearie is working, so like it or not we have to watch it on weekend. Did you still remember my sayings about this final harry potter movie? Well yeah, I’m going to watch it on premiere studio. You have my word. Stayed in Jakarta for more than five years, I never watched movies in premiere studio! Never ever! Imagine! Anyway, tickets’ on hands, and this is my first time so, mind my “kampungan” behaviour :p

I’m more excited to know that I’m going to watch it on premiere studio, rather than the fact that I’m gonna watch the last chapter of Harry Potter Series or the movie itself. I already read the book, I already watched it, so there’s nothing could surprise me anymore, so all I hope is the studio will be beyond my expectation. Or well, just don’t expect too much, since, we didn’t managed to get “the best seat” which is in the middle of the screen, but on left corner, thankfully, it’s on top, the very first row, which known as row “A”.

color edited :)

Every single person in this country is thirst for good/read:Hollywood/movies, no wonder the theatre(s) in couple weeks ahead will be flooded by thousands of people. It’s like you found an oasis in the middle of desert! I can imagine. Therefore, I should thanked God, that we could get the tickets, on second day, good seated, I can say with only queued for 20 mins or so.

Catch up with you guys later on, gotta go now, as a bad news for me, my vesca acted weirdly these few days. Safari browser, which is my favourite browser, is not working until now. I’ve uninstalled it! iTunes also doesn’t work properly. It can’t backup my iPhone’s data. My CPU performance is also reach 100% in fact there’s no any program running, well, I have like 6-7 programs running in background, exclude my anti-virus and other supporting programs. Usually it worked nicely, and I’ve turned them off for good, but still... And worst, my lappie fan’s sound is very noisy everytime I opened skype or iTunes or more than two tabs on my browser. OMG!! I really really don’t know what to do with this laptop. I’ve tried to uninstalled unused programs and other unimportant things, but it stays the same. I’m giving up! SIGH!!

Maybe it’s the time for Macbook Pro :p I don’t know... We’ll see...

Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it. ---Vincent Van Gogh, 1889.

4 love notes (+add yours?)

  • Art

    7/29/11, 12:38 PM

    hey Claudia! It's Art! :D

    Do you have a vacuum cleaner? Try cleaning the laptop from the holes where the hot air comes out. Maybe the fan has a lot of dust. This is one of the common reasons why laptop fans become noisy. :)

    7/29/11, 2:01 PM

    heyyy art!! How are u? long time no chat :) thanks for the tips, unfortunately I don't have such thing here :(


    7/29/11, 2:48 PM

    Yup! long time indeed! :D

    I see. Well if you can have it opened by a professional, you can also just brush off the dust. :D

    By the way, I never knew Hollywood films were banned before in Indonesia. Whatever the reason, I'm glad they're showing in your theaters again! :D

    7/29/11, 5:43 PM

    Ohh.. never thought of it.. lol..

    oh yeah.. silly policy :( yup.. what a relieved.. I just can't imagine how's this country will be like if they banned it permanently..

    have you watched Harry Potter, anyway? :)

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